Sahaja Yoga is the only way for true inner transformation. The journey of Sahaja Yoga takes you from impure human to good human and from good human to a Divine Personality. One becomes completely integrated, balanced and united with the GOD
What Is Sahaja Yoga Meditation?
Sahaja Yoga is an invention by H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 when she opened Sahasrar, the last chakra of human subtle system. It was the most glorious moment in the history of spirituality. The most unique aspect of Sahaja Yoga is that it begins with self- realization by awakening Kundalini Shakti unlike other types of yoga where seekers have to pursue a particular yoga practice for a long period and in the end he may or may not get his self-realization.
How to Become a Sahaja Yogi?
Sahaja Yoga is a living process. “Sahaja” in Sanskrit means spontaneous and also born within,” Yoga” means union with God. Hence, the experience of Kundalini Awakening can occur within each human being. The realization through Sahaja Yoga is an easy three-step process, after taking self-realization, one can feel the all-pervading divine power, i.e. cool breeze, called as vibrations, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of the world. You can receive your self-realization, at home also sitting in front of your computer.

Some Key Points About Sahaja Yoga
- Sahaja Yoga Meditation is free of cost.
- When you get self-realization, you enter into a new fourth dimension, we can feel our 7 chakras, Energy centres in our subtle system.
- When Kundalini passes through all the chakras it nourishes and revitalizes the centres because of which you feel balanced, stress-free, relaxed and calm.
- A cool breeze, -vibrations start flowing through our hands and on top of our head.
- When Kundalini rises, thoughts elongate and a state of complete thoughtless awareness is created.