Sahaj Welfare
Sahaj Welfare Is A Social Wing Of Param Chaitanya Foundation, Which Works For Holistic Development Of The Society And Also Focuses On Bringing Balance In The Nature. We Want To Preserve Humanity And Nature Across The Globe. Under Sahaj Welfare we are working on 8 key projects in line with our vision. We want to create associations in which we can work selflessly.
Which are varied from nature preservation, forest land development, water scarcity solution, Healthcare, women empowerment, rebuilding education and Annachatra. We are covering every aspect required for the development of society and balance of mother earth so that we don’t leave any stone unturned.
Our Project
Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You,Asked What You Can Do For Your Country

Sahaja Walfare Activities includes:
- Village Adoption
- Tree plantation
- Water filter and water supply
- Garden development and renovation
- School development and renovation, providing study materials
- Digitalisation of ZP (Zila Parishad) and Nagar Parishad
- Creating cleanliness awareness and providing waste management products
- Public toilet development and renovation
- Countryside small scale road development and renovation
- Providing agricultural products, fertilisers at lowest rate or mostly free of cost
- Campaigning to make alcohol and tobacco-free
- Youth personality development camps and seminars
- Building small pat bandhare at villages
- To help all those families of farmers who died/suicided
- Donate food/grocery packages in tribal area
- Participating in green highway scheme
- Donate blood bottles to Indian army base.
- To participate in Asmita Yojna government scheme
- Participation in Shet tale government scheme
- Distributing blankets and clothes to needy people living in slums
- Organising employment fair
- Creating forest land
- Donate oxygen cylinders to the Indian army
- To participate in JalYuktaShivara government scheme
Sahaj Welfare Project
We are interested in development of towns and villages of our country. We are also interested in participating in government schemes which will help our indian government as well as several departments at district level. We are already participating in various government schemes and we are closely working with research institutes and NGOs to for humanity and balancing nature across the globe. Our source of inspiration is H.H Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi, she said that nowadays there are welfare associations just for the election purpose. We should not create any such type of welfare association. But we should create associations in which we can work selflessly & our love should be Niravajya (Selfless) and we should not expect anything in return. She has inspired us to do the welfare of the whole world.
Our Ongoing Projects
Nature Preservation

Project 1: Nature Preservation - Tree Plantation
Mother Earth is generous as she provides us everything, shelter, food, oxygen, water this list is endless but what are we giving back to our universal mother? We are destroying our mother, have you ever thought without her can we survive even for a second?
Due to our short-sightedness, there are some dangers that the human race is facing like Global warming, pollution, ozone layer depletion, deforestation, loss of biodiversity. One of the immediate dangers is, WATER SHORTAGE, There have been predictions that by 2030 we will have wars on water. We are planting trees in different parts of country as a part of nature preservation project. We are also working on creating natural sources of water for people.
Forest Land Development

Project 2: Forest Land Development
The duty of a responsible Human being is to Save Nature, which has been destroyed by Selfish Human Beings. Forest Land Development Movement is the best solution to balance our mother earth.
We are developing forest in barren lands, in the most drought-hit areas of India. We have started our pilot project in Nandgaon, Maharashtra which has been facing drought issues for last 15 years. This project is very unique we are planting and nurturing trees by using cosmic energy, Vibrations. This knowledge of energy has come via Sahaja Yoga Mediation.
We did a small experiment of planting with 200 trees on Feb 8, 2019. With the combination of proper care and cosmic energy, these trees could survive in the scorching 40- 45 degree Celsius heat.

Due to these trees, in 2019 monsoon season, there was abundant rainfall and the nearby dam was full of water for the first time in the last 10 years. This project is a living miracle. This is just a start we strongly believe that our forest land development movement can resolve the drought issues of our entire country. Though we have started with 65 Hectares of land, we want to develop minimum 1500 hectors of forest land across India.
Water Scarcity Solution

Project 3: Water Scarcity Solution
Nearly 1 billion people around the world do not have clean drinking water. In rural area, people mainly face two types of problems – first is the absence of portable drinking water, as the water is not purified. In the second case as there are many drought-hit states in India during summer season all the natural sources of water get dried up due to which people don’t get water even to fulfil their day to day needs Water scarcity is still a leading cause of illness and death amongst infants, children in the developing world.
Today more than half of our rivers are heavily polluted. In Indian rural areas, diarrhoea is commonly caused by drinking contaminated water. We are donating water filter to schools where there is a lack of clean drinking water for children.
During the summer season, we supply water to drought-hit areas where all the natural sources of waters have dried up and people have to walk miles away to fetch water This is just a start, we are working on projects to eradicate such issues on a long-term basis.
Rebuilding Education

Project 4: Rebuilding Education
The education system in India needs a major reform. Entire education system should be structured to empower children however, the current education system is commercialised, it pushes kids into a rat race. The syllabus is outdated and they don’t make children employable. Corruption and casteism in the education system is the weed which denies the right for education to students.
We have a vision of rebuilding the entire education system which is total corruption and caste free. It gives equal opportunity to learn for every student. We want to build schools and universities to standardise the education system. We want to give equal opportunity to students so that their talent flourishes and they become responsible citizens of India in future.
Currently, Sahaj Welfare is actively working to help students in rural areas by providing study materials, clean water supply, building better classrooms and book libraries for the students.
Health Care

Project 5: Health Care
Due to enormous efforts put by the Indian government, the life expectancy has increased for more than 67 years. Many deadly diseases such as Polio, Guinea, Yawns etc have been eradicated. However, there are still a lot of challenges in India especially in rural areas that don’t have access to doctors and medicines when required.
As a part of our efforts to make basic healthcare accessible for all, our foundation has been conducting free medical check-ups in villages. We have started with Nashik district, Maharashtra and till now more than 2000 people have benefited from our camps. For every medical camp, our panel of doctors conducts health check-up of patients. On the basis of checkup, we also provide free medicines to the people who can’t afford to purchase the needed drugs.
Women and child care is one of our prime focus areas. At the time of pregnancy, the level of haemoglobin falls decreases due to which a woman and a child can lose their life. To increase the count, we provide iron sucrose injections in villages to the patients who can’t afford to buy.
Many people are unable to even arrange a clean hygiene cotton cloth to wrap a newborn baby. We take care of all such basic needs of women and newborn children.
We have a plan to establish new facilities based on requirements such as ambulance services, hospital takeover etc.

Project 6: H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi Annachhatra
India has been facing food problems for a long period. We are fighting for food in India since independence, we are trying to satiate the hunger of all needy people. But this Annachhatra is different from others. Our motto is to feed genuine and hungry people. We don’t want to put efforts on fake people. We Started H.H Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi Annachhatra in Sangli on 20 th April 2019. We are serving needy people and their families through our project.
Women Empowerment

Project 7: Women Empowerment
Our approach is to empower women by giving them proper education. Through Sahaj welfare, we also aim to provide a source of employment to the women. And help women in every aspect especially suffering from a crisis like the death of the main earner from family, Farmer’s Suicide etc. We provide Women Healthcare solutions through Free Medical Health Checkups and Camps and providing basic medical supplements to pregnant women. In a rural area, we are also providing essentials to restore the health of women.
Rural Development

Project 8: Rural Development
We focus on overall rural development that includes 360-degree development of Rural areas. We would undertake all the activities required for rural development like school development, road development, hospital development and digitization of rural areas. We believe to study the rural area problems and eradicate them at a grass-root level.
Police Stress Free Campaign