param Digital
Param Digital is a Digital Wing of Param Chaitanya Foundation which focused on digitalisation of activities of Param Chaitanya Foundation and Sahaj Welfare.
Param Digital
Its key objectives are to Support And Digitized all the key activities of Param Chaitanya Foundation, like meditation knowledge, self realization, meditation sessions etc, so that we can bring together all the Sahaja yogis and seekers worldwide through Sahaja Yoga meditation. Engage Existing Seekers and Reach to New Seekers Through The Different Digital Platforms Available. Param digital wing is also focused on supporting Sahaj Welfare activities, like digitalization of ZP and Nagar Parishad and digitalization of schools.

Param Digital Activities includes
- Managing website of Param Chaitanya Foundation so that all seekers get benefited.
- Carry out online realization programmes, meditation sessions, webinars.
- Manage social media assets of Param Chaitanya Foundation and Sahaj Welfare to keep all people updated about knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, upcoming events and key activities
- Digitalisation of ZP and Nagar Parishads so that they carry out their activities efficiently and help in rural development.
- Digitalisation of schools so that students in rural areas get benefited from latest educations.