Deep Knowledge of Sahaja Yoga
For everyone who seek god or spiritual awakening, it is very important first to understand the subtle system created by the god almighty. As we know Kundalini and Centres are very important aspects of our subtle system.

Kundalini resides in a triangular-shaped sacrum bone in the shape of three and a half coils. Kundalini is our mother; she is living energy which creates and nourishes all human beings. She is a storehouse of energy and has crores of threads.
Kundalini can be awakened by only a realized soul, Shree Mataji introduced a method of amass realization, through which Kundalini can be awakened. You can awaken Kundalini only and only through Sahaja Yoga. After Kundalini Awakening a person becomes a self-realised person and encounters the absolute truth, Kundalini has tremendous power in life. She makes person humble, delicate and compassionate. She gives peace, security and wisdom to a person.

- Mooladhara:
The first energy centre/chakra is Mooladhara, has 4 petals. It is situated below the triangular shaped sacrum bone. This Centre looks after important functions of the body as described below.
The main quality of this centre is innocence. Mooladhara protects innocence and chastity of kundalini at the time of its awakening. Too much thinking about and indulging into sex weakens this centre. Mooladhara can be cured by Kundalini Awakening.
- Deity: Shree Ganesha
- Colour: Coral Red
- Element: Earth
- Planet: Mars
- Symbol: Swastik
- Quality: Purity, Wisdom, Innocence, Courage, Auspiciousness and knowledge
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Prostrate, Womb, genitals, Excretion, Smell

- Swadhisthana:
Swadhisthana is second energy Centre, it has six petals, it is situated in the abdomen. The main quality of this Centre is creativity. It supplies us the energy of creativity and abstract thoughts, also converts fat cells into brain cells and supply energy to the brain. It is also the seat of our attention. Too much thinking and planning weaken this centre due to which our attention can also become weak. After this Centre gets enlightened, the person becomes very creative and dynamic.
- Deity: Shree Brahmadev Sarawswati
- Colour: Yellow
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Mercury
- Symbol: Davidstar
- Quality: Creativity, Aesthetics, Abstract thought, Pure desire
- Organs Controlled: Liver, Uterus, Pancreas, EyeSight

- Nabhi:
Nabhi is third energy centre, it has ten petals, it is situated in the navel region, and this centre mainly looks after the welfare and evolution of mankind. It regulates and governs the functions of stomach, intestines and part of the liver. This Centre indicates the evolution of human being from amoeba to human. This Centre becomes weak if there is a lot of focus on materialism or if a person acts against Dharma. After this centre gets enlightened, the person becomes satisfied and generous.
- Diety: Shree Vishnu Laksmi
- Colour: Green
- Element: Water
- Planet: Jupiter
- Symbol: Yin Yang
- Quality: Evolution, Generosity, Righteousness, Sustenance
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Stomach, Spleen, Intestines, Liver , Taste

3a. Bhavsagar (The Void) :
Void/Bhavsagar is a surrounding area for second and third Centre, void represents that vacuum which is the gap between the unaware state and absolute truth. When kundalini gets awakened, she bridges this gap and we witness the reality and the person becomes the master of the self. If the void gets enlightened then the person develops gravity and he is being able to lead masses towards a right direction.
- Diety: Shree Adiguru Dattaraya
- Colour: Green
- Element: Water
- Planet: Jupiter
- Quality: Gravity, 10 Commandments, Righteousness, Sustenance (Self Mystery)
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Stomach, Digestion, Intestines, Liver

4. Anahat:
Anahat is the fourth energy Centre, it has twelve petals, it is situated behind the sternum bone in the spinal cord. The main quality of this Centre is security. It protects our body and subtle system by creating antibodies until the age of twelve. This Centre regulates the function of lungs and heart. Immoral lifestyle, cowardness, lack of security, bad relation with mother and father are the causes that weakens this centre. After this Centre gets enlightened person becomes confident, fearless and courageous.
- Colour: Ruby Red
- Element: Air
- Planet: Venus
- Symbol: Flame
- Quality: Love, Security, Compassion, Benevolence
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Heart, Lungs, Blood Pressure, Touch

5. Vishuddhi:
Vishuddhi is the fifth energy Centre, it has sixteen petals, it is situated in the neck region of the spinal cord behind the sternum bone in the spinal cord. The main quality of this Centre is collective. This centre looks after the functions of ear, nose, throat, neck, tongue, teeth, hands, gestures etc feeling too much guilty, tobacco and alcohol consumption, harsh talks and verbal abuse/ use of abusive words weakens this centre. After this chakra gets enlightened the person becomes truthful and sweet in communication. One also develops Divine diplomacy to handle critical situations.
- Diety: Shree Krishna
- Colour: Blue
- Element: Ether
- Planet: Saturn
- Symbol: Time Wheel
- Quality: Communication, Truthfulness, Tactful Politeness, Diplomacy
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Mouth, Ears, Tongue, Nose, Teeth, Face, Throat, Speech

6. Agnya:
Agnya is the sixth energy centre, it has two petals, it is situated where our two optic nerves cross each other in the brain. The main quality of this Centre is forgiveness. This centre looks after the function of eyes. Excessive exposure to cinemas, computers over reading weakens this chakra. After this chakra gets enlightened the person becomes thoughtless and forgiving.
- Deity: Jejus Christ
- Colour: White
- Element: Light
- Planet: Sun
- Symbol: Cross
- Quality: Forgiveness
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Optic Thalamus, Hypto Thalamus, Sight

7. Sahasrara:
Sahasrara is the seventh energy centre, it has a thousand petals, it is situated in the brain or the limbic area. The main quality of this Centre is integration with God. When Kundalini rises, she enlightens all the thousand nerves in the brain and the person becomes a realised soul. If a person does work against the divinity then this centre becomes weak. After this chakra gets enlightened person achieves the union with all pervading power.
- Deity: Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi
- Colour: Rainbow
- Element: 5 Elements
- Planet: Moon
- Symbol: Bandhan
- Quality: Integration, Self Realisation
- Organs and Functions Controlled: Limbic Area