”You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.”
Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi was born on Mar 21, 1923, in Chindawara, Madhya Pradesh India. Her parents were Shri Prasad Rao Salve and Shrimati Cornelia Salve She spent her Childhood in Nagpur. Shree Mataji studied medicine at the Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and the Balakram Medical College in Lahore, now in pakistan.
during India’s struggle for freedom, Shree Mataji, was young and she participated in Quit India Movement with her parentslike her parents, she was an active young freedom fighter and she also spent some time at Gandhiji’s Ashram.

Shree Mataji married Chandrika Prasad Srivastava, on 7th of April, 1947, a high-ranked Indian civil officer, who worked with Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri as Joint Secretary.
She gave birth to two daughters, Kalpana and Sadhana.
Shree Mataji aimed to transform human life, she always wanted to give knowledge to mankind that humans have to become superhuman from normal human beings by knowing our subtle system, our soul and the Kundalini Shakti which resides in each one of us. This was necessary as this is the next step for human evolution.
After studying humans, she started her work on 5th May 1970. She started with 12 people by giving them self-realization and awakening their kundalini. After some time, she started conducting a masse realization, she worked tirelessly for more than 40 years offering free public programmes and lectures for the benevolence of humankind. She founded Sahaja Yoga, as an institution which would guide human being to achieve its ultimate goal of Self-actualization.
In addition to establishing Sahaja Yoga in more than 95 countries. She also founded NGO for destitute women and children. She also opened international schools, health clinics, art Academies.
She established all these institutions for the holistic development of the society.

Shree Mataji established the International Sahaja Yoga Health and Research Centre in Mumbai in 1996. In 2003 a charity house for the rehabilitation of destitute women was set up in Delhi (Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram). Shri P.K. Salve Kala Pratishthan in Nagpur was set up as an international music school in the same year by Shree Nirmala Devi , to promote classical music and fine art.