let’s create the new world of love, peace and happiness across the globe. where there will be no casteism no racism, no fanatism, only humanity. Don’t wait for the blossom time, create it. H.H Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi has taught every Sahaja Yogi How to be enlightened, she has also taught that until we don’t remove the darkness in the society there is no use of our achievements in Sahaja Yoga.
Inspired by the teaching of our holy mother Mr Mukund Shevare started Param Chaitanya Foundation to serve society. Mr Mukund Shevare was born on 26 th April 1980 in the village of Nandgaon. He got introduced to Sahaja Yoga through his uncle. He was passionate about meditation since childhood and for 15 years he put a lot of efforts for meditation and achieved a great depth in spirituality at a very young age. With the deep and practical knowledge of cosmic energy and vibrations, he would cure and guide people. He completed his BE from VJTI. He worked for some time in the corporate and was running a company successfully.
However, all this time he had a strong call for spiritually. Shree Mataji left her physical form on 23 February 2011 after this event, he started observing that people are directionless without her guidance. He was observing challenges and suffering, this situation deeply unsettled him.
His calling took him to a journey across India. He studied the challenges that people are facing in depth. After initial research, he founded the Param Chaitanya Foundation in 2012. It wasn’t an easy journey. He faced many challenges in the family and from society. His family didn’t want him to choose the path that was so difficult. However, Shree Mataji’s saying that Sahaja Yogis are the soldiers of God kept him going. He knew that he has to work hard to guide Sahaja Yogis and make them independent.
He started his work with Sahaja Yoga Research and Development Centre. In his survey he identified the primary need to make Sahaja Yogis physically fit and to free them from all the diseases.
He started with strong clearance sessions for the human body so that people become fit to meditate. After people became physically fit, he started teaching them about the mediation practically. There are over more than 25,000 people who have got cured in Sahaja Yoga Research and Development Center in Nandgaon.
He changed the lives of thousands of people by not only curing them but making them a better person by removing all their bad qualities and weaknesses through meditation. He taught how to get connected to Shree Mataji in formless. Slowly after people started sincerity towards mediation and achieving god, this also helped people to balance in their personal and professional life. There are so many miracles which people keep witnessing as they are getting more connected to God.
With his tireless efforts, he inspired many Sahaja Yogis to become an instrument like him so that they can bring changes in other people’s life like him. He trains the inspired Sahaja Yogis to become a powerful Sahaja Yogi, who can help others.
His journey didn’t stop there, now he has ventured into the social work area as he identifies that, to bring more people onto the path of truth you have to establish balance into the society and nature. He is working on multiple projects like Nature Preservation, Healthcare, Education, Annachhatra, and women empowerment.
His vision is to transform the entire society and bring balance in nature through divine love and vibrations.
“Sahaja Yoga is the Transformation… INNER Transformation.”
Negativity can be removed instantly; it doesn’t take time to clear negativities but you have to give time to yourself for the transformation from impure Human to Good Human and from Good Human to a DIVINE PERSONALITY. This all work is going at a very SUBTLE level which we cannot see it with open eyes; we can feel it by closing our eyes. Try to become the best Divine TRANSFORMER for this Humanity…
GOD will Bless you, Rather you will Enjoy GOD inside you… as a “TRANSFORMER”.
Sahaja yoga is a very slow process, it is slow because it is a perfect road to walk on the evolutionary process. Every human being will have to accept this EVOLUTION. For example, if we join an organization, we will get salary at that place. We can’t say I will not do this and that; we have to work as per their rules and regulations. We have to accept that organization. Same is with Divinity. Every time nature has gone with their own time, with their rules & regulations. We have to accept it.
Mr. Mukund Shevare
Founder- Param Chaitanya Foundation
H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi has taught every Sahaja Yogi to be enlighten, she has also taught that until we don’t remove the darkness in the society there is no use of our achievements in Sahaja Yoga.
Inspired by the teaching of our holy mother Mr. Mukund Shevre started Param Chaitanya Foundation to serve the society.
Mr. Mukund Shevre was born in 26th April 1980 in the village of Nandgaon. He got introduced to Sahaja Yoga through his uncle. He was passionate about meditation since childhood and for 10-12 years he put lot of efforts for meditation and achieved a great depth in spirituality at a very young age. With the deep and practical knowledge of cosmic energy, vibrations. He would cure and guide people. He completed his BE from VJTI. He worked for some time in the corporate and was running a company successfully.

However, all this time he had a strong call for spiritually. Shree Mataji left her physical form on 23 February 2011 after this event, he started observing that people are directionless without her guidance. He was observing challenges and suffering, this situation deeply unsettled him.
His calling took him to a journey across India. Studies the challenges that people are facing in depth. After initial research he founded Param Chaitanya Foundation in 2012. It wasn’t an easy journey He faced many challenges in the family and from society. His family didn’t want him to choose path which is so difficult. However, Shree Mataji’s saying that Sahaja Yogis are the soldiers of god kept him going. He knew that he has to work hard to guide Sahaja Yogis and make them independent.

He started his work with Sahaja Yoga research and Development Centre. As in his survey he identified the primary need to make Sahaja Yogis physically fit and to free them from all the diseases.
He started with a strong clearance sessions for human body so that people become fit to meditation. After people became physically fit he started teaching them about the mediation practically. There are over more than 25,000 people who have got cured in Sahaha Yoga Research and Development Center in Nandgaon.
He changed the lives of thousands of people by not only curing them but making them a better person by removing all their bad qualities and weaknesses through meditation. He is taught how to get connected to Shree Mataji in formless. Slowly after people started sincerity towards mediation and achieving god, this also helped people to balance in their personal and professional life. There are so many miracles which people keep witnessing as they are getting more connected to God.

With his tireless efforts he inspired many Sahaja Yogis to become an instrument like him so that they can bring changes in other people’s life like him. He trains inspired Sahaja Yogis to become a powerful Sahaja Yogi who can help others.
His journey didn’t stop there, now he venture into the social work as he identified that, in order to bring more people to the path of truth you have to establish balance into the society and natured.
He is working on multiple projects like Nature Preservation, Health Care, Education, Annachhatra, women empowerment.
His vision is to transform the entire society and bring back balance in nature through divine love and vibrations.
“Sahajayoga is the Tranformation… INNER Transformation.”
Negativity can be removed instantly, it doesn’t take time to clear negativities but you have to give time to yourself for the transformation from impure Human to Good Human and from Good Human to a DIVINE PERSONALITY. This all work is going at very SUBTLE level which we cannot see it with open eyes; we can feel it by closing our eyes.
Try to become the best Divine TRANSFORMER for this Humanity…
GOD will Bless you, Rather you will Enjoy GOD inside you… as a “TRANSFORMER”.
Sahaja yoga is a very slow process, it is slow because it is a perfect road to walk on evolutionary process. Each and every human being will have to accept this EVOLUTION. For an example if we join an organization we get salary at that place. We can’t say I will not do this and that; we have to work as per their Rules and Regulations. We have to accept that organization. Same is with Divinity. Each and every time nature has gone with their own time, with their own rules & regulations. We have to accept it.