Meditation Basics
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is very scientific and based on balancing our subtle system.
What is subtle system?
Subtle system of a human being consists of Energy Centers, Channels, Kundalini and Spirit.
Our subtle system is mainly made up of 7 Chakras, also called Energy Centres. These chakras govern all the aspects of human life like physical, mental as well as material. Apart from these 7 chakras, there are three main channels in our body which are related to our Past (Left channel), Present (Centre Channel) and Future (Right Channel). Kundalini is a reflection of the supreme cosmic power of God.
How the Subtle System is formed?
When a mother is pregnant for 2 to 3 months, the body of baby start to getting formed, first, the nervous system of the baby is created during the same time Kundalini Shakti composes the whole subtle system and then resides in sacrum bone in a dormant stage.
Composition of Subtle System
Human Subtle system is mainly made up of 3 Nadis and 7 Chakras. Chakras are made of 5 elements such as earth element, fire element, water element, air element, and earth element. Our three main channels represent tattwas as Rajas (right channel), Tamas (left channel), and Satwa (centre channel)

What Is Sahaja Yoga Meditation
- Sahaja Yoga Meditation starts with Awakening of Kundalini Shakti
- The person has to take self- realization through authorized self- realized person whose Kundalini Shakti has been awakened.
- After your Kundalini is awakened, it also awakens the whole subtle system due to which you start knowing about the state of your chakras i.e subtle system.
- After you gain knowledge about your subtle system. Through Sahaja yoga clearance and meditation techniques you can clear and balance your subtle system on your own.
- With regular clearance and meditation, you can resolve all types of physical and mental problems and become a balanced and joyful personality
Benefits Of Meditation
- With Sahaja Yoga Meditation you can resolve all your all physical and mental problems like heart, diabetes, blood pressure, stomach ailments, and also other mental illnesses due to stress, tension, worries, as also insomnia, depression, fits, and many other psychosomatic diseases have been easily cured
- Sahaja yoga meditation is free and easy to practice
- With Sahaja Yoga, you can easily get to understand the knowledge of all scriptures of all the religions
- You become stress-free and emotionally balanced
- You automatically can get rid of all kinds of addictions like liquor, smoking, drugs etc.
- Your relations with your family members and friends will automatically improve.
- It will help to improve your economical condition
- You become self-confident
- You become your master, you can solve your own problems.