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As per the name, the organization will be working on, to make strong “Foundation” of “Param Chaitanya” for humanity, spreading divine love in all over the world which is pure and peaceful. Establish Sahaja Yoga meditation which has been introduced by H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi since 1970.

Our Wings

Param Chaitanya Foundation is actively working in different areas which are essential to maintain physical, mental; economical balance in the society. Our major areas of focus are Meditation, Healthcare, Education, Agriculture; Social Work, as we want to help all the sections of society. We are also working on ecological balance to balance mother earth.

Promise To Our Mother

Our Beloved Mother H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi is the sole reason for the existence of Param Chaitanya Foundation. Because of her entire human race experienced and realized the absolute truth of spirituality. Her tireless work and unconditional love are the source of our energy and it inspires us to serve the entire humankind.